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Harnessing Winter

A combination of cross-country skiing and dogsledding, skijoring—a name derived from the Norwegian word skikjøring, meaning “ski driving”—involves a person on skis being pulled behind a dog (or dogs), for recreation or competitive racing. The skier wears a skijoring belt connected to the dog via a line, while the dog wears a pulling-specific harness. The dog is motivated to run solely by responding to the skier’s voice commands. 

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News Releases

Sundays Are Meant for Outdoor Trekking on Traverse City’s Old Mission Peninsula

Winter made its grand entrance in a big (and early) way this year, putting some in the mood to get out and enjoy the beautiful snow-covered wonderland of northern Michigan. Those who wish to quietly trek through the countryside, soaking up the natural beauty of the season, are sure to enjoy the return of the Snowshoe, Wine & Brew treks every Sunday, December 29 through March 8, on the Old Mission Peninsula in Traverse City.

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