Ferris State University to Host Interprofessional Conference on Human Trafficking Awareness
The Ferris State University Coalition Against Slavery is holding a two-day Interprofessional Conference on Human Trafficking Awareness, open to all, on April 10-11, 2018 at the University Center, 805 Campus Drive, Big Rapids, MI 49307.
In the past year alone there have been 305 human trafficking cases reported in the State of Michigan. As of 2017, Michigan ranks sixth on the list of human trafficking cases reported. The purpose of this conference is to expose students, faculty, professionals and other community members to the impacts of human trafficking.
Day One will be held on Tuesday, April 10 in the FSU University Center Ballroom from 7-9:30pm. During this time the documentary I am Jane Doe by Mary Mazzio and 50 Eggs Films will be screened. This viewing is free to attend. A discussion will follow the film.
Day Two will be held on Wednesday, April 11 in the University Center Ballroom from 11am-5:15pm. Check-in for the conference begins at 10am. For a small fee, $15 for students and $30 for non-students, guests will begin the day with the presentation Human Trafficking Worldwide and Right in Our Backyards, from Keynote Speaker Becky McDonald, President and Founder of Women at Risk, International. A catered lunch will follow for all attendees.
After lunch, guests will attend breakout sessions of their choosing, with the opportunity to earn Continuing Education Units. Speaker topics will range from Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery-Focus on Victims and The Dangers of Sex Trafficking: How to Create an Open Dialog with Youth to Combating Human Trafficking with Inexpensive Cyber Tools. Attendees will also be given the opportunity to participate in a tour of FSU’s Museum of Sexist Objects.
Guests are welcome to attend either one or both days. Please to register for the event here: https://coalitionagainstsl.wixsite.com/ferrisichta
Anyone who needs special accommodations to attend event should contact Karyn M. Kiio at 231.591.2382 or karynkiio@ferris.edu at least 72 hours in advance. Ferris State University is an equal opportunity institution. For information on the University’s Policy on Non-Discrimination, visit www.ferris.edu/non-discrimination.