Tibbits Summer Theatre presents Nunsense II
Date(s) - Thu, Jun 15, 2023 - Fri, Jun 16, 2023
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Tibbits Opera House
SAVE 20% when you buy season tickets! Season subscriptions and group sales now available by calling the Tibbits box office at 517.278.6029. Single tickets go on sale April 1, 2023.
Single tickets for this event range from $20-43 including fees ($39+fees orchestra; $36+fees lower balcony; $18+fees student; $16+fees balcony; Tibbits member/group/student/season ticket discounts available). Doors will open and seating for this event will begin 30 minutes prior to showtime.
Nunsense II
Book, Music and Lyrics by Dan Goggin
The Little Sisters of Hoboken return…funnier, zanier and more lovable than ever! Having been “bitten by the theater bug,” the nuns present a “Thank You Program” dancing and singing for all who supported them in last year’s benefit. Amidst their high-spirited performance they deal with rumors of talent scouts in the audience and Franciscans who want to claim Sister Mary Amnesia as one of their own. With zany antics and catchy songs like “Winning Is Just the Beginning,” “The Padre Polka” and “What Would Elvis Do?” audiences will be rolling in the aisles!
is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Tams-Witmark LLC
Please help keep our community healthy. If you are ill or experiencing any symptoms, please DO NOT attend a performance. Click HERE to view our rescheduling and refund policy.
This production generously sponsored by Coldwater Board of Public Utilities