Exploring with Scientists

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Date(s) - Tue, Mar 15, 2022
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM



Elementary and middle-school students can investigate the field of biology and learn about cool science happening nearby at the Kellogg Biological Station through an online, six-part series, Exploring with Scientists.

Each of the programs will focus on a certain type of ecological study or part of doing research. Participants will be able to submit questions to the presenters.

The series is free, and sessions take place from 4:30 to 5:30 pm on Tuesdays, March 1, 8, 15 and 22, and April 5 and 12. Registration is required to access the meeting details. The presenters are Michigan State University staff and graduate students involved in research at KBS.

Weekly topics are:

March 1—How do some species avoid extinction?
With Kyle Jaynes

March 8—How do we actually DO the science?
With Holly Vander Stel

March 15— In what ways do insects attack plants, and how can plants defend themselves?
With Luke Zehr

March 22—Do birds avoid noisy habitats?
With Elizeth Cinto-Mejía

April 5— How do microbes help plants grow?
With Nameer Baker

April 12— In what ways do pollinators affect the evolution of flower shape?
With Robin Waterman

Questions? Contact the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary at birdsanctuary@kbs.msu.edu or (269) 671-2510.

Exploring with Scientists